Streaming audio is becoming more and more common with successful websites that are able to draw a considerable amount of visitors and most importantly, retain them in the long term. With streaming audio, you are literally providing the visitor an option to consume or use the content through their choice. Today's world and the market that we each and everybody are a part of is all about choices. Your use of streaming audio is only limited to your imagination and in case you are a little short of ideas or needs some brainstorming to start anew, then have a look at some scenarios where you can employ streaming audio for your benefit.
1. Personal Introduction - You have a personal website or a blog where you want to introduce yourself which includes but not limited to your name, where you live, what you do and what all are you interested in. Is it wonderful when you can speak a little bit about yourself and the whole world can listen to it?. It also facilitates a direct interaction between you and the visitor whom you do not want to lose. You might be thinking that a video is more appropriate, well, you need to sit in a good background with proper lighting, well groomed and dressed and also add along with this the effort towards a well edited clip. You can record an audio introduction about yourself even in your underwear and nobody is going to know it unless you boast it.
2. Give an Interview - You have in course of time, became an expert in your field which each and every one should be looking at, and you are requested to give an interview. You can give a written transcript of the interview BUT there is an enormous amount of authenticity if visitors can listen you speaking out on their favorite topic.
3. Welcome new visitors to your site - Nothing can be as impressive, inspiring, unforgotten and confidence boosting as a welcoming streaming audio message that you can put on your site for new visitors. You can simply put a "Thanks for visiting http:// www." in text but imagine the difference that makes when you see a "Thank you" message pasted on to the door of a store and when the store owner comes to you and thank personally for coming to his store. An audio message can be the difference between a one time and a loyal visitor.
4. Customer/Fan testimonials - Many a time, you would want to sell products like software or e-books which is how most monetize their sites. A customer testimonial is an indispensable, inseparable, inevitable yet the most forgotten part of a sales copy. Consumers throughout history have relied upon the recommendations and reviews of others while arriving at decisions and when they hear a voice form a real human who says that the product is good or effective or does what it claims to be, then it subjectively assures him and provides the confidence to buy the product.
Downloadable Audio Books Rapidly Rising in Popularity How to Use Audio in Business Using Videos In Your Website
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